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How to Get A Medical ID Card

September 15, 2021 | 3 min read
How to Get A Medical ID Card

Applying for a medical marijuana card may seem confusing at first, but we’re here to help. Learning how to get a medical marijuana card can be a huge plus if recreational marijuana isn’t available in your area, or if you have a qualifying condition that medical marijuana use can help with.

What Is A Medical Cannabis Card?

A medical cannabis card is a state-issued ID card that lets patients purchase medical marijuana products, through a licensed cannabis dispensary or a medical marijuana delivery service. In states where recreational marijuana isn’t legal yet, you can’t legally purchase or possess medical cannabis without a card.

How to Apply for a Medical Card

1. Learn About Qualifying Conditions for Your State

Each state’s qualifying conditions for medical marijuana cards are different, but some conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease

Other debilitating conditions as determined in writing by a qualifying patient’s certifying physician

Your state’s health department website may have information on more specific conditions, or you can reach out to your healthcare provider. If your state requires that you have a qualifying condition, your primary care physician may be a great place to start.

2. Find a Doctor Who is Registered to Certify You for a Card

Once you’ve met with a doctor who determines you have a qualifying condition, you’ll receive a diagnosis with a signed recommendation that may include dosages, consumption methods, and time period of qualification.

In some cases, your primary care physician may also be certified to administer medical cannabis ID cards. If not, you need to find a doctor who is qualified to do so. Your state’s health department may also have a list of registered practitioners. Companies that provide online medical appointments like Elevate Holistics or websites like Leafly and Weedmaps are also great places to find databases of cannabis doctors.

3. Submit Your Application Forms

As a patient, you’ll submit your forms online which will include proof of residency, the doctor’s recommendation, all other required documents, and an application fee. From there it’s up to your state’s department that oversees the medical marijuana program to evaluate and approve the application and mail your medical card. Cards typically last for a year until you have to renew your medical card and submit another online application.

Helpful Things to Know

Depending on your state, you may need to register with the health department before you receive your card in the mail. Otherwise, you only have to wait a few weeks until your physical card arrives for you to use at a dispensary. In some cases, you may receive a temporary card so you can visit a dispensary and purchase cannabis per your doctor’s recommendations.

The budtenders at the dispensary can be helpful in assisting with your purchases. Some dispensaries have cannabis pharmacists that can help you find specific products that can help with certain health conditions.

Once you get your card, be sure to get happiness delivered with Doobie! We’re your go-to for having your favorite cannabis products delivered right to where you are.

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