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The Ultimate Guide to Cannabis Harvest Season: What You Need to Know

October 2, 2024 | 3 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Cannabis Harvest Season: What You Need to Know

Harvesting cannabis at the right time is crucial for growing a potent and strong strain. Whether you’re a professional grower or harvesting at home, knowing the process will guarantee that you don’t harvest too soon or dry out the plants which can lead to poor-quality cannabis. 

How To Grow Weed

When it comes to growing weed, there are various methods to produce the type of cannabis you’re looking for. One of the most important aspects of growing cannabis is to determine whether you want to grow weed indoors or outdoors. Growing weed indoors often leads to strains with stronger THC and allows the grower to control light and temperature, but the process can be more costly. Ultimately the grower has more control over the plant, but they will need to purchase lighting and thermometers which can be expensive. Growing weed outdoors often has more challenges, including inconsistent weather, the potential of bugs taking over the plants, and more. With that said, outdoor weed is known to have a stronger flavor and often produces larger yields. 

Spring is often the best time to begin growing cannabis. To grow weed, the first step is to germinate the seeds. You can do this by placing a cannabis seed in a small plastic bag with a wet paper towel. After a few days, you will see small white roots grow out of the seed. Now you move the seed to the soil. Good soil is critical for growing a strong cannabis plant. Move the plant into sunlight and consider using natural pesticides to ensure critters don’t impact your yield. Make sure to trim and prune your plants as they grow. 

When To Harvest Cannabis

Cannabis harvest season usually takes place during the fall months, most notably during October before the harsh winter months impact the plant. The length of time in which the plant grows can be determined by factors including the strain type, weather, sunlight, and water. Outdoor cannabis will need to be harvested between 6-12 weeks, while indoor cannabis only needs 7-9 weeks for full growth. If you’re growing your cannabis indoors, you will not be impacted by weather and have flexibility on when to plant and harvest your plants. 

How To Harvest Cannabis

Harvesting cannabis is easy, though it’s critical to follow a step-by-step guide. The first step to harvest cannabis is to begin trimming the plants. Remove excess leaves and trim the buds. You will need sharp pruning sheers and cut the stems at the base. Once you’ve cut the small branches, it’s time to move the plants to a drying rack and hang them upside down. Maintain airflow for the plants to dry and leave hanging for 7-14 days to dry thoroughly.

Now that your cannabis is dry, trim the buds off of the branches. These buds should be cleanly cut. After trimming, move your buds into airtight containers. This will allow them to cure and develop a more flavorful strain. 

Now your cannabis is ready to consume. In order to smoke cannabis, you’ll need to determine how you want to consume your new product. Whether you want to roll a joint, smoke from a pipe, or smoke from a bong, choose your method wisely to ensure you have the perfect sesh. 

Disclaimer:  The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Please consume cannabis responsibly and follow all local laws and regulations.

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