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How to Roll a Cross Joint

October 18, 2023 | 3 min read
How to Roll a Cross Joint

Every cannabis connoisseur has their favorite movie to watch while stoned. For some it’s a Cheech and Chong original, for others it might be a Seth Rogan classic like Pineapple Express. Pineapple Express has a few notable scenes but the one that sticks out the most is when Seth Rogan smokes a cross joint. Wondering how to roll a cross joint? Look no further! Soon you’ll be rolling your “Pineapple Express” cross joint in no time.

How to Make a Cross Joint

First things first, you’ll need your favorite flower. Start by heading over to Doobie to search for the perfect flower to use in your cross joint. You’ll find top products that are Doobie-approved, and get them delivered to your door in an hour or less. How cool is that?

Next, you’ll need your tools for success. You’ll need to grab the following:

  • Your favorite flower
  • A grinder (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Large rolling papers
  • Small rolling papers
  • A needle or safety pin
  • A filter or piece of cardboard

1. Roll a fat joint

After you grind your cannabis, roll a fat joint using your long papers. Make sure you use your filter when you roll since this will serve as the base of your cross joint. Think of it as the gateway to your cross joint smoking experience.

2. Roll a not-so-fat joint

Using your short papers, roll a smaller joint that’ll be used for the middle of your cross joint. If your cross joint were a plane, this joint would be the wings.

3. Poke a hole in the fat joint

Using your needle or safety pin, poke a hole ¾ away from the filter, toward the top of the joint. It doesn’t have to be large, but big enough for your not-so-fat joint to fit through. The smaller the better! Smaller holes will create a better seal.

4. Poke a hole in the not-so-fat joint

Grab your needle or safety pin and poke a hole in the middle of the smaller joint. It doesn’t have to be as big as the first hole, but big enough to let air pass through.

5. Insert the smaller joint into the larger joint

Carefully work the smaller joint into the hole you made in the larger joint. This will probably take some patience and practice, but you got it Doob! Double-check the airflow to make sure you’ve inserted the smaller joint far enough. Remember, you want the holes to align for an optimal smoking experience!

6. Seal the Deal

Grab your scissors and large rolling papers, and cut off the glue part. Once you’ve cut it off, cut it in half. You’re going to wrap these around the area where your fat & skinny joints meet. This will help stop leaks when you’re trying to smoke!

7. Time to Indulge

You’re now the master of crafting “the apex of the vortex of joint engineering,” as James Franco’s character would say. Light all three sides, and enjoy your cross-joint.

If you need happiness delivered, remember to reach out to your buds at Doobie.

Photo by RDNE Stock project

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